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$70 million private residence sold

First and foremost, we would like to wish you and your family a splendid holiday season and wonderful 2015 full of health, fulfillment, prosperity and nothing but sheer bliss…

By now, you know we were an integral contributor of many architectural elements, fixtures, furnishings and objet d’art of the most expensive contemporary private residence built on spec ever. In case you forgot…here is a link to the CBS News story covering this property nationally from Saturday three weeks ago (it is about two minutes in length): http://www.cbsnews.com/news/selling-an-85-million-home-and-the-lifestyle-behind-it.

We are happy to let you know (in case it matters…) that the house recently sold following a bidding war between Jay-Z & Beyonce and Minecraft developer Markus “Notch” Persson who ultimately purchased the house at $70 million; here are some links from today covering the sale:

  • GameSpot: http://www.gamespot.com/articles/minecraft-creator-notch-outbids-beyonce-and-jay-z-/1100-6424311
  • Bloomberg News: http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2014-12-18/beverly-hills-mansion-sells-for-70-million-to-minecraft-creator.html
  • LA Times: http://www.latimes.com/business/realestate/hot-property/la-fi-hotprop-markus-persson-20141218-story.html

Now that this project is over & done with (and since, quite honestly, there aren’t that many $85 million homes (or even $70 million for that matter…) being built on spec), we wanted to remind you that we are available, willing and able to assist you with extremely unique yet practical & durable fabrications of all types… Anything from all vertical & horizontal coverings, vanity counters/sinks, decorative objects, accessories and furnishings made from a variety of materials, including; polyurethane resin, resin-enforced fiberglass and faux cement. To see the variety of our fabrications firsthand, please visit www.casamedicidesigns.com or contact me for more information, samples or anything else needed.

With regards to the private residence mentioned above, for additional information about this property, here is a link to a recent LA Times’ Business Section cover story (http://www.latimes.com/business/realestate/hot-property/la-fi-hotprop-most-extreme-home-20140911-story.html) as well as Yahoo! News (https://homes.yahoo.com/blogs/spaces/-85-million-spec-house-for-billionaires-makowsky-155256091.html) and Bloomberg (http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2014-09-22/purse-tycoon-s-85-million-beverly-hills-home-targets-ultra-rich.html).

In case you want to watch more video of the property, here is its promotional video: http://vimeo.com/102897742 - its dedicated website is www.1181hillcrest.com.

For this newly-built private residence, we fabricated a host of bespoke architectural elements, furnishings and other accessories, including our 9′ L x 6′ W x 2.5′ Ht opal silver bathtub, the 63″ Ht translucent blue resin & stainless steel hand grenade statue, an oversized 7-pill art installation, three 15′ L (10″ x 10″ x 10″) “u-channels” illuminated with LEDs beneath the skylight, a collection of decorated alcohol-branded rifles & shotguns, wall coverings, counter & bar tops and bar niches, among others…

We look forward to hearing from you should you have any current or upcoming project in mind that you feel we may be a contributing factor to & send you our very best wishes for a wonderful holiday season & 2015.

With our best regards.

CBS Nightly News covers Casa Medici project

Just when you thought you would never hear about it again (especially from us…), CBS Nightly News covered the $85 million contemporary mansion we were a part of creating. Here is a link to the story from last Saturday evening’s news broadcast on CBS (as the link is from YouTube, it of course starts with an ad): http://www.cbsnews.com/news/selling-an-85-million-home-and-the-lifestyle-behind-it.

For this newly-built private residence, we fabricated a host of bespoke architectural elements, furnishings and other accessories, including our 9′ L x 6′ W x 2.5′ Ht opal silver bathtub, the 63″ Ht translucent blue resin & stainless steel hand grenade statue, an oversized 7-pill art installation, three 15′ L (10″ x 10″ x 10″) “u-channels” illuminated with LEDs beneath the skylight, a collection of decorated alcohol-branded rifles & shotguns, wall coverings, counter & bar tops and bar niches, among others…

If you wish to see more video coverage of the house, here is a link to the promotional video actually created by its developer: http://vimeo.com/102897742.

Our very best wishes for a splendid holiday season.